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Showing posts from November, 2019

Back On Again

I'm running out of titles for the roller-coaster ride of the renovation project that started in July. But, Nov. 20th marks the forward motion once again. This is about where we left off. Then came frigid temperatures and an early snow. When balmy temperatures returned, I took the opportunity to try out my paint colors. The steps make it hard to use a ladder to paint any higher.  It might have to look like this until spring unless we have a mild winter. Then, some good news.  A sunny day in the low sixties and my nephew, Ross, and his helper, John, were available to work on closing in the second story.  But, even better, my brother Dan spend the entire day on the job doing what he could, even though it has been only 14 days since he broke two ribs in a fall. Dan had painted some of the siding before hand so we are seeing the painted side on the left. Two sides covered.  One to go. They also picked up the doors that were on hold at Home Depot. Her

Restart Button

This is where we left off on in last post.  A couple days went by and...  then the restart button did what a restart button does, and we were off to a fresh start.  With three guys on the job, the project was in third gear. The decking boards came off and insulation and plywood went down in it's place. Scaffolding was set for the next phase. Framing of the south wall was secured in place and the window openings approved. That was a Friday, so here we are waiting in place for Monday to arrive. Monday turned into a half day because of rain overnight. The roof got some extra support. All those cross pieces on the pergola... ended up on the ground. The roof was ready for plywood. As you can see here, the roof is now covered and the east wall has been framed.  Going into a six day wait for available crew to proceed. Dan moved forward on his own as the six day wait for a crew turned into a 14 day wait. He framed the opening and inst